Roquois – The Sanging Cosplayer

by TheOtakuSauce

Being able to incorporate cosplay into your other passions can be a tough go for a lot of people. Roquois, however, is happy to take on the challenge. As a recording artist, she’s been on stage, on TV, and around the world. When I found out about her, however, she was at a convention dressed as Powerline. She belted out I2I with a stage presence out of the Goofy Movie, as if she were Powerline himself. The cosplay community was taken aback smitten with her talent and flocked to find out more about her. Those who hadn’t heard of her greatness found out about her music and soon were grooving to her new albums. Later on, Roquois decided to hold events for the anime and nerd community she loved being a part of as Plus Ultra Entertainment was born.

I asked her to take time out of her extremely busy schedule to talk with me about everything she’s got going on. She was excited to oblige!

Before we get into cosplay, let’s talk about your music! How did you get started in your career as a singer?

I got started as a singer in the church like many people. I started at the age of 4 then, as I got older, fell more in love with music and various music genres. It manifested into something I pursued professionally when I was 18. I met a few older music producers and I started writing and recording in the studio then later when I moved to Florida I worked in a recording studio as an in house writer and singer and worked on a plethora of projects of all genres. I learned so much and experienced so much! It’s definitely not an easy industry, but music is in my DNA.

What’s the most awesome thing that has happened in your career as a recording artist?

I’ve had so many, but one of my favorite amazing things that has happened was that I performed in Tokyo, Japan! It was a dream come true! 
I went out there alone as a belated bday gift to myself and ended up booking a gig at a venue in Shibuya! The crowd was amazing and so receptive and just so kind! I met some great people that night and while I was there that truly made the whole experience phenomenal.

Where can people find your music?

You can find my music everywhere you love to stream! Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, Pandora, Tik Tok, IG, YouTube, you name it! I am everywhere!

Check out her latest track on Spotify below!

Tell me about Plus Ultra Entertainment. What is it about, what can someone expect at an event, and where can people find info about P.U.E.?

Plus Ultra Entertainment is a company I started with one of my best friends Geo. We are a brand, a movement… an experience! *laughs* We create and curate dope events and experiences that highlight & uplift black nerd culture. 
What someone can expect at one of our events is good vibes, a feeling of belonging and the freedom to be yourself leaving all the stress and drama at the door. We focus on quality and showing the world that the black nerd community is an important asset to not just pop culture but that we are the future, our minds our art our talent… everything. We are taking everything we already have and know and are and going BEYOND! (Pun intended) 
You can find info about PUE on IG/FB/Twitch/YouTube  @PlusUltraEntertainment and on our website

A video of PUE’s recent event, Nerd4Speed!

Have you ever cosplayed on stage?

Yes I have cosplayed on stage! I’ve performed in cosplay as Sailor Moon. Technically I’m always performing in cosplay lol, I usually wear custom made superhero inspired pieces because I love that look and feel of being a superhero while I perform, it’s so transformative!
I’m really inspired by superheroes and other musicians like Selena, she would make all of her stage wear and I was just so in love with her and her moms creativity. My stage looks are always and will forever be inspired by a mix of nerd culture, superheroes and Selena. 

What got you into cosplaying?

What got me into cosplaying is my love of transformation. I grew up loving Halloween and being able to transform into a new person. I didn’t really like who I was, I was very insecure and had a tough time with loving myself growing up and I would watch anime and so many other shows and cartoons and hope to become the things I saw on TV or read about and Halloween gave me that.
It later manifested into cosplay when I started working at the Renaissance Festival at 15 and then at 17 discovered that there were conventions full of people with my same interests! I hand sewed my first Sailor Moon cosplay because that show was everything to me and everything I wanted to be. It was the first time I made something for myself and I bought my ticket and went alone. It was more liberating than it sounds. I was so happy to finally feel like I could be myself and be a nerd! It started this long journey of self discovery, self love and freedom. 

How long have you been cosplaying?

I’ve been cosplaying technically since 15 but there was about a 10 year gap of life, school, and things that prevented me from continuing it, then around 25/26, I decided I really just wanted to do what the hell I wanted to and the things that made me happy and I got back into cosplay, sewing and creating. 

What kind of cosplayer do you consider yourself?

I consider myself a free cosplayer? I enjoy it and I’m not driven by what the public thinks when I create my cosplays if that makes sense. I’m not a professional or full time cosplayer, I just love cosplaying.

Why do you cosplay?

I cosplay because I truly enjoy it. It’s hard work to sit over a hot sewing machine at 4am before the con but it’s so much fun! I really love the joy it brings to other people especially young black kids. I’ve showed up to cons, tradeshows and other random places as Sailor Moon and seeing young black faces light up like “omg it’s someone who looks like me, it’s a superhero that looks like me” is so heartwarming. 
I also cosplay because it’s freeing. I still love that feeling of transforming into someone else and becoming the character I’m cosplaying, but now it’s not driven by self doubt like when I was a kid, it’s fueled by the strength of who I am and my love of being a nerd and just being me.

Cosplay or Crossplay?

Both? BOTH!!!! I love it and I love seeing the creativity in other cosplayers crossplays! I have created a crossplay of Powerline, Darkwing Duck, Negaduck and Goku that I’m really proud of. If I like a character and they’re male I don’t care, I’ll cosplay it my way.

Where do you go most often for photoshoots?
Any Photographers you wanna shoutout?

I go to friends for shoots or I set up my camera and shoot myself lol. It’s always way better when someone else is doing it though.
I would love to shout out some of the amazing local photogs I have shot with time and time again:
Ryan Dee, @shotbyryandee aka Gimme Cookie, such a talented amazing person!
Everette, @theinterstellarstudio, another amazing photographer and videographer in both cosplay and editorial and an overall wonderful human.
I’ve also had the pleasure of working with SF Design, Chon Ahn, TA Photo, Kevin K. and K.G.

If you could cosplay anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would cosplay in Japan. It’s already a welcomed art and it would be so fun!

How far into the character are you willing to go while in cosplay? At the end of the day, are you “YOU” or are you your “CHARACTER”?

I go the distance! I’m me as the character! For example when I’m Powerline I’m Roquois as Powerline. I also have covers of I2I and Stand Out just waiting to be released lol.
I’m more than happy to be fully immersed in the character and will interact with people in my own interpretation of whoever I’m cosplaying too. 

What is a cosplay pet peeve of yours?

One big pet peeve of mine is cosplays that aren’t ironed. You paid all this money to go to a con or on your cosplay and the materials for it, you can take the extra 10 minutes to iron it so it can truly be seen in its true glory. If the material does not allow it to be ironed or steamed that’s different.

Check out Roquois everywhere music is streamed and Plus Ultra Entertainment where ever you follow people. I swear you won’t regret it!

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